Once upon a time, not that long ago, Two Friends decided to write a book. In the book there were stories from all over the world and stories written by children. There were also beautiful pictures of how to make animal puppets so that the stories could be brought to life.
When the book was nearly half finished something very strange happened. One little creature looked around at the other animals in the book and she felt twitchy. She was a little Mouse. The little mouse looked at the other animals already in the book. There was Owl. That’s not good! And Vulture! Not good either! Eagle. That’s not good! Snake. Not good at all! And Human. That’s either a trap, a cage or, worse still, poison.
I’m out of here. Thought Mouse. But how?
Mouse was in luck. The two friends had printed out copies of the pages they had made so far to show to Someone in a café. Someone was looking carefully at each animal. This was Mouse’s chance. She waited as Owl, Vulture, Monkey, Eagle, Human, Fish and Snake were passed across the table to Someone. Maybe they’d stop the passing before her page was in the air. But… then it happened.
And mouse jumped. Two Friends and Someone leapt to their feet in surprise but it was too late. Mouse was out of the book. And now the adventure begun. What would happen to Mouse who escaped from the book?
One thing Mouse had realised was that she was decorated blue. What would other mice outside the book look like? What adventures awaited?
Take a look at mouse’s first adventure discovering friends and chocolate (by five 3-10 yr olds in a short afternoon)

Make Your Own Mouse
Download the PDF activity guide how to make your own Mouse and bring your own stories to life…