10 things to be gained
by using the Making Worlds Handbook
in your school
This puppet workshop book is a hand-crafted illustrated guide with accessible instructions which will enable you to make over 20 different puppets portraying animals from all around the world. Alongside these puppet instructions, there are tales from around the world retold by children and concise guidelines to make your own stories and spectacular puppet theatre.
Making Worlds will provide the children in your school with:
- A hands-on design and technology experience that empowers pupils with a huge personal sense of achievement that raises their self-esteem.
- Motivation that inspires their other work, such as literacy.
- Collectivity and teamwork. The children working together to make something they believe in. Because the production is truly theirs, it creates…
- … Enhanced relationships and social skills in the class that benefit classroom social dynamics. Whilst making the puppets and creating their stories, different conversations ensue between the makers that can reveal glimpses about their home lives; at other times are imaginative explorations to create their stories or about the characters they are making.
- Original shows that can make any Classroom Assembly sparkle.
- Theatre that enables children to be seen at their best.
- A sense of belonging, which can benefit a whole school community.
The world stories and the tales written by whole school in Making Worlds provide stimulus to explore:
- Issues such as the importance of diversity, inclusivity and respect for our fellow beings.
- Different world cultures. Widening perspectives, encouraging inclusivity and looking a geography, history and how different cultures organise themselves and live.
- Nature and the environment. In Making Worlds there are animals, birds and insect puppet models from around the globe. When the children make their own show with different creatures, it provides an opportunity to look at how the ecology of that world works.
~ Take a look at some samples from the book ~
Watch a spectacular puppet performance made, performed and written by 60 young people aged 8-15 to express their feelings about climate change.
Reviews of Making Worlds
This is more than a book, it is a gem and something to treasure. It is packed with simple instructions on how to make amazing puppets. There are wonderful creation myths to accompany the puppets, and descriptions of how these two elements can come together to inspire children to create their own imaginative world around these stories. I have been privileged to witness the magic that happens when a space is offered up to create a workshop in this way and to experience the joy that this brings to the children involved. It is also beautifully illustrated and such fun to read. Simply inspiring.
The fact that this book exists at all is a story of creation and creativity. Each section starts with a creation myth and a story to inspire. Then detailed instructions and illustrations to help make the characters in that story. All you need is the book, some masking tape, newspaper, cardboard, tissue paper, a little imagination and glue. Illustrations and instructions are easy to follow and rooted in years of storytelling and inspiring children.
Not only an inspirational book of creation myths and simple to follow illustrated instructions for making a wonderful range of puppets, it is also a passionate promotion of the importance of storytelling and creativity in children’s lives. A must for anyone working with children